Investing is a tradeoff between today and the future. Money you spend today cannot be invested for retirement. And money invested for retirement is not available for use today. It’s a fine line investor must walk to ensure they live well today, while also focusing on how well their future selves will live. Present Bias […]
Mind the Gap The phrase “Mind the Gap” was first introduced in 1968 on the London Underground in the United Kingdom. It is an audible or visual warning phrase issued to rail passengers to take caution while crossing the spatial gap between the train doorway and the station platform edge. The warning is meant to […]
For those of you old enough to remember the “Facts of Life” sitcom from the 1980s, you might remember part of the theme song that went: “You take the good, you take the bad, You take them both and there you have The facts of life, the facts of life” Well, if you replaced the […]
With stocks and bonds declining in value during the first half of the year due to a myriad of concerns (not the least of which has been the highest inflation rate in nearly 40 years), I Bonds have caught the eye of investors due to their high current interest rate. However, with anything that receives […]
We espouse the belief that “Time in the Markets” is more important to long-term investment success than “Timing the Markets.” “Time in the Markets” requires investing in a portfolio diversified in a number of ways: stocks and bonds, U.S. and non-U.S., large cap and small cap, and growth and value. “Timing the Markets” requires the ability […]
The cryptocurrency market is a rapidly growing segment of the financial markets. From its beginning 13 years ago with the invention of Bitcoin, it has grown to over $2.5 trillion dollars in market cap and over 6,700 cryptocurrencies. While maybe even a couple of years ago it could be written off as a fad, as […]
The title of this article is a quotation of William Shakespeare from his play The Tempest. The phrase means that history sets the context for the present. By knowing what has happened in the past, we can determine appropriate courses of action for the future. Recency bias sometimes gets in the way of using the […]
We are excited to announce the option of incorporating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) focused investments into your existing investment program at RTD. Investors around the world are increasingly calling for greater alignment between their investments and their values, in conjunction with greater transparency about how and where their money is invested. This demand is […]
By now you probably have heard about what has been happening with the trading in GameStop and other highly shorted companies. I missed it, what happened? Several “professional investors” believed GameStop was a bad investment. As such, they felt the price of its stock would fall as other investors realized it was a bad investment […]