RTD Financial works closely with individual and corporate trustees to develop and maintain high-impact investment plans that meets the varying and often complex needs of beneficiaries.

Rooted in our financial planning heritage, our time-tested approach provides trustees with tailored financial modeling, that connects the strategic objectives of the trust with the right investment strategy to successfully reach them. Our team’s expertise then adapts and refines this plan, as the needs of beneficiaries change over time.

RTD partners with trustees in developing and ensuring compliance of the Investment Policy Statement and documented investment monitoring system. These services are coupled with a modern online dashboard to not only help shield these fiduciaries from personal liability but keeps trustees and beneficiaries informed every step of the way.

Ensure the needs and aspirations of your loved ones by working with an experienced, dedicated team. With formal training in serving as a fiduciary, for fiduciaries, we specialize in working with families and trusts like yours.

The Fiduciary Difference

Reduced personal liability
Formalized watch list process
Total transparency - full disclosure of all fees and compensation
Guidance in establishing, formalizing, and refining fiduciary objectives
Connecting portfolio design to meeting strategic objectives
Financial modeling to meet strategic goals
Development and/or maintenance of an Investment Policy Statement (IPS)
A secure online vault for documenting fiduciary process
A disciplined monitoring process comparing investment performance against appropriate indices, peer groups, and IPS objectives

The RTD Experience

Dedicated focus on trust investment management
Established processes, communication and regular updates
Formalized training and a proven history of successful outcomes
Providing clarity between investment choices and meeting trust objectives
Annually modeling progress and adapting to changing needs
Socially aligned investment offering
Best-in-class low cost investment vehicles
Quarterly investment monitoring reports
Detailed commentary on investments by RTD Investment Policy Committee
Periodic reviews to ensure use of the lowest available cost share class
Documented watch list and replacement process
Act as a liaison between the trustees and other services providers

Let’s Connect

Ensure the needs and aspirations of your loved ones with RTD Financial.

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