Maggie Callahan is an Associate Financial Planner at RTD Financial. She enjoys learning about each client’s unique financial situation and developing plans which will assist them in achieving their goals. In considering a career, Maggie was looking to blend her passion for helping people with her analytical thinking skills and knowledge of financial systems. After getting involved with community-based financial literacy education programs during her undergrad at Temple University, she decided financial planning was the best path to match her skillset with her passions.
Maggie began her career at RTD as an Intern, joining the team full-time after her graduation from Temple University. While at Temple, Maggie earned a Bachelor of Business Administration by completing the requirements for the CFP® Board registered Financial Planning Program, as well as a minor in Corporate Social Responsibility.
In her free time, she enjoys hiking, playing pick-up soccer, traveling, and exploring Philly.
Getting to know Maggie
What do you enjoy most about working at RTD?
I’ve never worked at a place more forward-thinking than RTD. This is a firm which is continuously aiming to improve and do better for their clients, their employees, and the broader community – that’s something I really admire.
What makes you good at what you do?
I love listening to people and learning about their needs and desires. I’ve learned I enjoy providing financial education to individuals, which is valuable for nearly every kind of person.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
My high school soccer coach used to always say, “The only time Success comes before Work is in the dictionary”. I like this quote because it helped me understand success can be defined in a lot of ways, not just by making money. I think this can be applied to any goal in life – whether it’s getting better at soccer or helping other people, if I want to see results, I know I have to put in the work to get there.
What’s the most exciting vacation you’ve taken?
I lived in Rome for 4 months while studying abroad through Temple University. While it may not count as a vacation, it was by far the most exciting experience of my life. I had the opportunity to meet new people from all different backgrounds, learn a new language, a new culture, and see some of the world’s most historic landmarks!