The world is becoming more and more digital where we have access to just about any information at the touch of our fingers. Think about how many times you pick up your phone or laptop on a daily basis and all the information that is stored on it – personal documents and information, account numbers, log in information, and so much more. All your personal details are stored on these devices, so it is important to think about how to stay secure while using it.

The sad reality is there are a ton of bad actors out there looking to gain access to your personal data. They do this through trying to breach a company, phishing or scam e-mails, viruses, malware, trying to guess your password, or looking over your shoulder to gain confidential information. We see on the news all the time about online breaches and we always hope our information was not involved. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to improve your online security and stay more secure. Below are 5 ways that will help to keep your information secure and away from those bad actors.

Tips for staying secure:

  1. Keep your devices updated.

Devices that are running on old software are not always supported which can lead to lower security. Regularly check for updates and install them when they become available.

  1. Avoid using public Wi-Fi.

Public Wi-Fi is not secure, and many hackers will sit on these networks to try to get your data. If you must use public Wi-Fi for something, use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to increase the security.

  1. Be careful of strange e-mails.

Phishing is a huge security risk where hackers will send you an email impersonating someone else and try to get you to click on a link. Try hovering over the link or looking at the sender address to make sure it is legitimate. If you get a strange email from a service you are using, log into that service directly rather than using the link in the e-mail.

  1. Use Strong Passwords and Multi Factor Authentication
    • Be sure to use strong passwords – we recommend at least 14 characters containing an upper- and lower-case letter as well as a special character.
    • Use Multi Factor, such as a code texted to your phone, when offered. This allows for an extra layer of security.
    • Do not share your passwords others, avoid writing your password down, and leverage a password manager to store them securely.
  2. Back Up your Data
    • Back up your files and data on a regular basis to allow you to recover data if you are hacked or if your computer stops working.

There are a ton of risks out there when it comes to the internet but following these tips can help to mitigate those risks and keep you secure. You have the power to make it difficult for the bad actors and hackers to get to your information. Always stay aware and contact us if you think you may have been the target of a cybersecurity attack. Lastly, RTD has policies in place to keep the information that you trust us with safe and secure.