Medgine always knew that she had a passion for helping others but didn’t always know how she could make a career from it. Early in her college studies, she was exposed to the world of finance and financial planning, and from there, things began to fall into place. Growing up in Haiti and later moving to the Philadelphia area, she experienced firsthand through her family and friends a clear lack of financial literacy. During this time, she read the book “The Compound Effect” authored by Darren Hardy, that further aligned this passion and was the catalyst that ultimately changed her life. She made it her mission to be financially educated, and to use her growing knowledge to inspire others to plan and save for a better future.
Medgine graduated from Fox Business School at Temple University with a bachelor’s degree in Business with a concentration in Financial Planning. She is grateful for the opportunity to have learned more about the financial planning and advisory profession through her internship at RTD and realized that this was the right home for the start of her career’s journey. She is excited to share her passion and knowledge each day in working with RTD’s institutional clients, and especially those in the non-profit arena.
Medgine’s passion for helping others extends to her personal interests as well. Understanding the importance of education, she finds great reward in being able to help the next generation, each year paying for the tuition of about 40 elementary kids to go to school in her home country of Haiti. In addition, she helps provide benches to the Messengers of Hope School Project in Zorange, Haiti. Her other personal interests include working out, reading, listening to music, and trying out new restaurants around the city. During the summer, she also enjoys playing tennis and riding her bike when the weather permits.
Getting to know Medgine
What do you enjoy most about working at RTD?
From the day I started my internship at RTD, I couldn’t believe that such nice people existed; the culture, the environment, the passion of putting clients first.
What makes you good at what you do?
I’m eager to always learn more and strive to be better than who I was yesterday.
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
Choose your friends wisely and surround yourself with winners. Hence my colleagues at RTD!
What personal accomplishment are you most proud of?
Graduating from college while working multiple jobs to pay my way through school.
What did you want to be when you were growing up?
Growing up, I simply knew I wanted to be a businesswoman. As a child, it was the allure of waking up every day, dressing up in professional attire, and going out to doing something important.